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Such Public Demonstrations of Mediumship are typically a part of most Divine Spiritualist Worship Services since their intent is to prove the continuation of life for everyone, which is a basic tenet of Spiritualism.  Barbara can be seen delivering such "messages" at the monthly Divine Spiritualist Worship Service conducted at Spiritual Life Fellowship and held on the first Sunday of every month at 6 PM at Sapphire Holistic Center, 316 Main Street, Bradley Beach NJ.  There is no charge for attending these Divine Spiritualist Services, but a love donation is collected during the service to support the Church.


Barbara also frequently schedules additional Public Gallery Demonstrations of Mediumship.  These Evidential Mediumship Galleries are not affiliated with Spiritual Life Fellowship.  Therefore, they may be held at different venues.  They are, of course, open to the public.  A fee is charged for entrance to these Evidential Mediumship Galleries.  Please refer to the CALENDAR OF EVENTS page below for information concerning specific dates, times, locations and charges of these events.


PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS OF MEDIUMSHIP, GALLERY STYLE:  This type of mediumship is also known as a "Mediumship Gallery," a "Mediumship Demonstration," or “Platform Mediumship” since the medium typically stands on a “platform,” or stage, in front of an audience.  In this type of setting, evidential "messages" from loved ones in spirit are brought to various people in the audience.  These "messages" usually include not only evidence of the survival of the spirit person after the change called “death,” but also a personal greeting from the spirit person which is meaningful to the recipient.  Numerous "messages" may be forthcoming during the course of a Public Demonstration, but there is no guarantee that everyone present will receive a one.

© 2018 Barbara Toole

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