Spiritual Life Fellowship
A Spiritualist Church in the Interfaith Tradition
The Rev. Barbara Toole, CSNU, Pastor and Medium
We are A Spiritualist Church. . .
Spiritual Life Fellowship is a Spiritualist Church in the Interfaith Tradition, incorporated in the State of New Jersey.
As a Spiritualist Church, we espouse The Seven Principles of Spiritualism, as delivered through the mediumship of Emma Hardinge Britten and as adopted by the Spiritualists' National Union.
We believe in the continuation of life after the change called death and in eternal progress open to every human soul. We also believe in the ability to prove the continuation of life through the gift of mediumship. Therefore, bringing evidence of the continuation of life by delivering spirits' messages is an important part of Modern Spiritualism.
. . .in the Interfaith Tradition
In keeping with the tenets of Spiritualism, we believe in the Divinity of God, no matter by what name we may call the God of our understanding. We recognize that all of the World's Great Religious Traditions hold Truth and Beauty in their essence, but that no one religion holds ALL of the Truth and Beauty.
As a result, we acknowledge that there are many paths which lead to the Divine. We respect and embrace all paths of love, consistent with The Seven Principles of Spiritualism, that lead to greater spiritual awareness. Therefore, we espouse the Interfaith creed:
"Never instead of...
Always in addition to..."
We welcome people of all religious faiths. We believe in the oneness of all life: that we are all connected through the Divine. We encourage all people to express and strengthen both their spiritual natures and their personal connection with the Divine by following the path of spiritual growth which best suits their individual beliefs.